Shockwave for erectile dysfunction

Shockwave therapy is a growing option for erectile dysfunction. Originally the idea was rejected by urologists as a sham or ineffective treatment. There is new evidence however pointing towards improved erections in appropriately selected patients. I have had some tremendous success stories.

This study by Kalyvianakis et al. was published last year in the Journal of Urology. In my opinion, it is amongst the most thoughtfully designed studies assessing shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction. It uses a survey called the IIEF to assess improvement in erectile function. It compares patients receiving shockwave therapy (12 treatments, similar protocol to mine) against sham treatment. Patients were assessed at 1 and 3 months after their treatment. The patients receiving shockwave therapy showed improvements in their erections compared to the sham group. Further follow-up is required to know how successful shockwave can be long-term.


What is erectile dysfunction and how is it treated?